Advance booking


When world-famous stars come to Spalt, numerous guests flock to the beautiful Spalter hills. We sell tickets for numerous events in our museum shop.

Lieder am See
Magic moments Brombachsee
HopfenBierGut in Christmas lights

The HopfenBierGut - in festive lighting

The HopfenBierGut opens its doors for the Spalt Christmas market, which traditionally takes place on the first weekend in Advent, and welcomes you with the well-known craft beer village.

Spalter Beer & Friends

Numerous brewers present their lovingly brewed beers.

Grab a glass - free entry

Advance booking

With us you can get tickets for the following annual highlights::

Lieder am See

Open Air Konzerte Brombachsee

Sommernachtspiele Spalt


Spalter Lachnacht

Smoke on the water - MS Brombachsee



Spalter Genusstouren

Kulinarische Rundgänge


You can also obtain the following from us

Fishing permits for Brombachsee, Igelsbachsee, Kleiner Brombachsee, Fränkische Rezat

MS Brombachsee tickets